Monday, November 29, 2010

Final Exam Confirmation

On October 29th I posted THIS notice to my blog.  To follow up with that post, I noted on October 31st in THIS post, that folks had until November 6th at the latest to make alternate arrangements if there was a University accepted scheduling conflict.  Please review the posts to refresh your memory if needed.  If no alternative arrangements were made by November 6th, you are required to take the final exam in accordance with the final exam schedule as set by San Jose State University. 

In accordance with the SJSU Final Exam Schedule, the Comm 41 final exams will be administered on December 16th at 5:15pm and 7:45pm.  Please note that these dates/times are not chosen by me, but by the University, as they set the final exam schedule.

Your specific final exam will be administered according to this schedule:

Section 81
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 5:15pm
Location: CL229

Section 82
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 5:15pm
Location: CL229

Section 83
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 7:45pm
Location: CL229

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week of November 28 - December 4

Hello Class! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Holiday.

Here is what's on the Schedule and Participation Pages for this week:

*Read Chapter 13 - Numbers?

*Take Test#4 in the class on Chapters 8-10, 12, 13 & 15 by 11:59pm on Saturday

*Continue to work on your final project in this course. Remember, your Group Facilitation Projects are due by December 4th @ 11:59pm. Please submit your projects early to avoid late penalty. As you will notice on the syllabus, the penalty for late submissions is 50%. As a reminder, this project is worth 20% of your grade, so make sure it's your absolute BEST work.  There is no individual portion, or evaluation portion to this paper.  The project is worth 200 points, and will be based on the group paper and corresponding video.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week of November 21-27

There is nothing to do this week besides working on your final project.

Reminder:  Final projects are due by December 4, 2010 @ 11:59pm.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Critical Thinking and Social Organizations - Returned

I will be emailing everyone the evaluation sheet for the group papers late tonight.  I will email your group, with a pdf attachment. 

Overall, y'all did a great job on the papers. 

The Blogging Prof.

Office Hours Reminder

Hello Folks,

Today is Tuesday, which means that I am holding office hours until 11am this morning.  You can chat with me three ways:

1). Yahoo Messenger
2). Email
3). Phone - message me and we can set up a time to chat.  I'm always available to chat by phone.

Have a great day!
The Blogging Prof.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Readings for this week

Hello Folks,

There have been some questions regarding the reading for this week.  Please read through both websites that I have linked on my blog (see post below).  Basically I want you to click through and read the links on both websites.  Spend some time reading through the material.  Some material may be review, and some will be brand new.  So click through the links and read both websites.

Let me know if you have any questions about the reading this week.

The Blogging Prof.

Week of November 14-20

Hello Class!

Here is what's on the Schedule and Participation Pages for this week:
Due this week:
*Read Chapter 15, Cause and Effect.
*Participate in Week 14 discussion.
*Read Cause Effect Website
*Read through and participate in the Mission Critical Website
*Keep working on Assignment #3. 

Discussion Questions:
Answer one question in its entirety in each of your three separate posts, at least 12 hours apart. Please make sure you are creating a NEW POST for each question on your blog. You MUST WAIT at least 12 hours from the first post in order to create a second post. The same is true for the second and third post. I will record dates and time of your posts, so make sure they are at least 12 hours apart. EACH POST MUST BE 150 WORDS OR MORE.

1). What was useful about the Cause and Effect website reading and exercises?

2). What was useful about the Mission Critical webiste?

3). Pick one concept from the assigned reading (chapter 15), that we have not already discussed, that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

Comments - Remember to post ONE comment ON THREE DIFFERENT BLOGS between 12:01am on Sunday and 11:59pm on Saturday. This means that you will log onto MY BLOG at: and look under the section YOU ARE ENROLLED IN to see a list of your colleagues blogs. Click on those blogs, read what was posted for this week and respond. You need to make sure you are responding to only what was discussed THIS WEEK (starting Sunday and ending Saturday of the current week). Comments posted to blogs that were NOT within this week will not be counted for points. Each comment must be a minimum of 100 words.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veteran's Day

Reminder:  Thursday is Veteran's Day.  SJSU will be closed, and I will not be holding office hours.  I will be checking email on Thursday, and throughout the weekend.

The Blogging Prof.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Reasoning by Analogy

Chapter 12 covers the topic of reasoning by analogy. While I have taught this course before, the texts that I have chosen have covered many forms of reasoning, not just one or two. I used to use a book called "Everyday Argumentation", but have since switched over to the Epstein text for a number of reasons.

Other forms of reasoning I cover in my other classes are:

1). Reasoning by Analogy
2). Sign Reasoning
3). Causal Reasoning
4). Reasoning by Criteria
5). Reasoning by Example
6). Inductive
7). Deductive

You can click on the links above to take you to another webpage that explains different types of reasoning. While I do not encourage students to use wikipedia as a source on formal papers (at least until more regulation is in place for wikipedia), it is a great place to start research. The bottom of most wikipedia pages will have a list of resources. That list is a students best friend, not the wikipedia page itself.

There are also a couple of different types of links listed above.

You are more than welcome to apply any of these types of reasoning to your final projects in this course. Since you must apply a number of course concepts, feel free to use this list of reasoning when writing about your group facilitation's.

Week of November 7 - 13

Hello Class!

Here is what's on the Schedule and Participation Pages for this week:
Due this week:
*Read Chapter 12, Reasoning by Analogy.
*Participate in Week 13 discussion.
*Keep working on Assignment #3. 

Discussion Questions:
Answer one question in its entirety in each of your three separate posts, at least 12 hours apart. Please make sure you are creating a NEW POST for each question on your blog. You MUST WAIT at least 12 hours from the first post in order to create a second post. The same is true for the second and third post. I will record dates and time of your posts, so make sure they are at least 12 hours apart. EACH POST MUST BE 150 WORDS OR MORE.

1). Read through the different types of reasoning posted to the instructors blog.  Give an example of each type of reasoning outlined on the instructors blog.  The example should be something the folks in class can relate to, so try to use real world examples.

2). Sometimes when something is diffciult to understand, it becomes a bit clearer when we try to explain it to someone else.  Which type of reasoning was most difficult to understand?  Please do some additional internet research on that specific type of reasoning and discuss what you learned.

3). Pick one concept or idea from the assigned reading, that we have not already discussed, that you found useful or interesting, and discuss it.

Comments - Remember to post ONE comment ON THREE DIFFERENT BLOGS between 12:01am on Sunday and 11:59pm on Saturday. This means that you will log onto MY BLOG at: and look under the section YOU ARE ENROLLED IN to see a list of your colleagues blogs. Click on those blogs, read what was posted for this week and respond. You need to make sure you are responding to only what was discussed THIS WEEK (starting Sunday and ending Saturday of the current week). Comments posted to blogs that were NOT within this week will not be counted for points. Each comment must be a minimum of 100 words.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Turn your clocks back tonight.....

Hello Folks!

Please remember to turn your clocks back tonight before you go to bed.

Have a great weekend!
The Blogging Prof.

FAQ's about the Small Group Facilitation Project

Hello Wonderful Students! I have come up with a frequently asked questions list to answer some questions that have come up over the last week or so about the Small Group Facilitation Project. I will post more a bit later, but email me if you have additional questions, and I will post more FAQ's as they come in.  Here they are:

1). Do I have to gather 5-7 people at the same time?
Yes - this is THE culminating project in this class and will cover concepts from both texts. Because it is a small group project, you will need to gather7-10  people to make that happen. You can gather family, friends, folks from church, etc... to help you with this project. Promising people food is always a motivator.  The 7-10 folks are in addition to the folks from class.  The folks from class are simply observers and facilitators.  The group of 7-10 folks are the participants and will be making the decisions about the case study.

2). Am I a part of the project?
Yes and No - You act as the facilitator of the project (see assignment sheet), but you will not be a part of the small group itself. You will ask probing questions to find patterns of small group communication, critical thinking, reasoning, arguments, etc.... but you will not be a part of that process. Rather, you will facilitate the process. Then you will write about what concepts emerged in the required essay.

3). What is the due date of the project?
The due date is no later than December 4th @ 11:59pm. Any submissions after 11:59pm (even one minute) will result in a 50% deduction.

4). I can't upload more than 10 minutes to youtube, what do I do?
You can do a number of things. You can split up your video into multiple parts and upload it that way. You can find another free video hosting website and upload it there. You can copy the facilitation onto a DVD and turn it into the Communication Studies Office. As long as I can verify that they facilitation took place with the minimum number of folks required, I will accept it.

5). I can't find 7-10 people. All of my friends are busy. What do I do?
Because you are working in groups of approximately 5 people from class, you should have no problem gathering 7-10 folks.

6). If I submit an audio/video tape will I get it back?
No. Unfortunately, due to budget constrictions at SJSU, all audio/video tapes MUST be uploaded to the web.  In previous semesters students were able to drop off tapes, but the Comm. Dept. Office has requested that students do not drop off tapes.  Please record your facilitation by video and upload it to YouTube or Vimeo.

7). What type of probing questions should I ask my group when I'm facilitating the discussion?
Whatever types of questions you would like. You might want to think it through ahead of time to possibly be prepared with some questions before your group arrives to your facilitation activity.

8). Since this is a small group project, will I be working with the same group from class?
Yes.  You will be working in the same group you have been working with all semester.  However, the 7-10 people you will gather SHOULD NOT be students from class, rather, outside participants.

9). How are you going to grade the essay?
There is a grading sheet attached to the assignment sheet. Please review the grading sheet in its entirety before beginning the project, and refer to it often while writing your paper. There should be NO ambiguity when it comes to how I will grade this project.

10). I don't have a tape recorder and I don't know how to post a video to youtube.
Well, to be honest, you're just going to have to figure this one out. You are required to turn in an audio tape, video tape, or youtube video so I can verify that your facilitation took place. You wouldn't believe how many people will try to fake a project like this.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Grades Posted

Hi Folks!

I have just finished posting grades for the week of October 17th - October 23rd.  Please take a look at your grade on D2L and let me know if you have any questions.

I will not email you individually about your grades from this point forward.  You should, by now, check at least weekly to review your updated grades.  (Plus, most students do not have questions on a continual basis, rendering my emails almost useless when you can simply log onto D2L and check your grades whenever you have time).

I hope you all have a great day today!
The Blogging Prof.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

Hello Folks,

I will be exercising my right to vote, and I hope that you will too.  My office hours will be cut a bit short because of the voting process, but if you need to contact me, please email me.  I will check my email all day long today.

Happy Election Day Everyone!
The Blogging Prof.