Saturday, August 21, 2010

First Email to Students

Hello Students!

If you have received this email it is because you are enrolled in Comm 41, Critical Decision Making. The class you have enrolled in is an online only class. That means that all coursework, tests/quizzes, discussions, etc… will be conducted online.  We will only meet for the final exam on the SJSU campus, date TBD, but will be in accordance with the SJSU final exam schedule.

To get started in the class, please log into the new learning system, Desire2Learn. You can review how to retrieve your password from the following website:   You will not have access until the first day of the semester (Wednesday).

Once you have figured out your username and password, go to this website to log into Desire2Learn:

 You will have access to Comm 41 beginning August 25, 2010.

The first thing I would like you to do is email me at the class email address, which is: Please email me your full name and which section you are enrolled in, and make sure you are emailing me from the email address you would like me to contact you throughout the semester for class info., updates, etc… Do this ASAP. I need to finalize the registration in the course, and add folks if possible. Also, please bookmark my blog: I will keep the class updated through my blog rather than Desire2Learn.

Once the semester begins, you will be able to access Desire2Learn, assignments, the syllabus and all other information about the class. You will have a number of things due the first week of class, but don’t worry, they are simple task items to get established in the course and should be easy to complete.

Once class begins, please only use the class email address to correspond with me. Please do not use the email address I have sent this message from, as I check the class email address often, but rarely check the email address.

Once again, please email me at: ASAP to secure your space in the course. Please include your full name and the section number you are enrolled in.

I look forward to sharing the Fall 2010 semester with you!

Carol-Lynn Perez, M.A.

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