Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week of December 5 - 9: It's a SHORT week.

Hello Class!  This is our final week of class, our final chapter reading, and our final discussion.  After Thursday, which is the last day to post for discussion, we will no longer have any responsibility in this class EXCEPT for the final exam on December 16th.  As a reminder, here is the final exam schedule for Comm 41:

Section 81
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 5:15pm
Location: CL229

Section 82
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 5:15pm
Location: CL229

Section 83
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 7:45pm
Location: CL229

NOTE:  After you are done with your final exam, you may leave.  I will not keep you past the time you finish the exam.

Here is what's on the Schedule and Participation Pages for this week:
Due this week:
*Read Chapter 14, Generalizing
*Participate in Week 13 discussion.

Discussion Questions:
Answer one question in its entirety in each of your three separate posts - due to the short week, there is NO time restriction for posts.  You may complete them all at the same time, so please start early!!!. EACH POST MUST BE 150 WORDS OR MORE.

1). What have you learned in this class over the course of the semester?  Please be specific.

2). What was your favorite thing about this class?  What was your least favorite thing about this class?  How can this class be improved?

3). Pick one concept or idea from any point in the semester, or in Chapter 14, that you found useful or interesting.

Comments - Remember to post ONE comment ON THREE DIFFERENT BLOGS between 12:01am on Sunday and 11:59pm on Thursday night. Remember to comment within your section.  Each comment must be a minimum of 100 words.

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