Friday, December 17, 2010

Final Blog Post

Hello Class!

This will be my final post to this blog. I hope that you have learned a bit over the course of the semester. My students never cease to amaze me. I think I learn just as much from my students, if not more, than my students learn from me. In short, I have had a great time with you this semester, and wish each of you a relaxing and happy winter break.

After I returned home last night, I updated all of the grades on D2L.  Everything completed during the semester should be reflected in D2L, so take a look at it to see your final points total for the class  There is a column at the end of your grades that should total up all of your earned points.  Take a look at it then find your total on the following scale to see your grade in the class:

A 950-1000
A- 900-949
B+ 870-899
B 840-869
B- 800-839
C+ 770-799
C 740-769
C- 700-739
D+ 670-699
D 640-669
D- 600-639
F 600 and below

I will post grades at some point tomorrow, but I don't think they will be released for a day or two. The mysjsu system will release grades at its own pace.

I will check the class email address until Sunday. After Sunday, if you need to contact me, please do so at my SJSU email account, which can be found on my faculty webpage. I will no longer check the class email address after Sunday, please make note of this!

Again, I have had a great time with you all this semester, and hope that you have a wonderful winter!

Signing off for the last time.....

The Blogging Prof

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Group Facilitation Papers

Hello Folks!

I will be returning a few Group Facilitation Papers tonight, but the majority will be returned tomorrow.  We can chat about why they will be returned after your final exam, tomorrow when we meet in person.

Have a wonderful night everyone, and I will see you tomorrow for the final.

The Blogging Prof.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Last day of office hours

Hi Folks,

Just a reminder that today will be my last day for office hours.

Have a great day, and see you on Thursday.

The Blogging Prof.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Exam Reminders

Hello Folks,

As previously noted, our final exam will be THIS THURSDAY, December 16th.  Listed below is the final exam schedule for Comm 41.  Please find your section, and show up at the appropriate place and time.

Section 81
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 5:15pm
Location: CL229

Section 82
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 5:15pm
Location: CL229

Section 83
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 7:45pm
Location: CL229

Remember, this is an open book/open notes final exam.  You will work individually, but will have your notes to rely on.

See you all on Thursday!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Office Hours

Hello Folks,

As a reminder, I will be holding office hours through next week.  If you want to chat we can connect through Yahoo Messenger, a phone conversation, or through email.

Have a great day!
The Blogging Prof.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week of December 5 - 9: It's a SHORT week.

Hello Class!  This is our final week of class, our final chapter reading, and our final discussion.  After Thursday, which is the last day to post for discussion, we will no longer have any responsibility in this class EXCEPT for the final exam on December 16th.  As a reminder, here is the final exam schedule for Comm 41:

Section 81
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 5:15pm
Location: CL229

Section 82
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 5:15pm
Location: CL229

Section 83
Date:  December 16, 2010
Time: 7:45pm
Location: CL229

NOTE:  After you are done with your final exam, you may leave.  I will not keep you past the time you finish the exam.

Here is what's on the Schedule and Participation Pages for this week:
Due this week:
*Read Chapter 14, Generalizing
*Participate in Week 13 discussion.

Discussion Questions:
Answer one question in its entirety in each of your three separate posts - due to the short week, there is NO time restriction for posts.  You may complete them all at the same time, so please start early!!!. EACH POST MUST BE 150 WORDS OR MORE.

1). What have you learned in this class over the course of the semester?  Please be specific.

2). What was your favorite thing about this class?  What was your least favorite thing about this class?  How can this class be improved?

3). Pick one concept or idea from any point in the semester, or in Chapter 14, that you found useful or interesting.

Comments - Remember to post ONE comment ON THREE DIFFERENT BLOGS between 12:01am on Sunday and 11:59pm on Thursday night. Remember to comment within your section.  Each comment must be a minimum of 100 words.

Group Facilitation Papers

I have received your papers and I am in the process of confirming your paper submissions.  You should receive an email from me today confirming that I have received your paper on time.

There has been some question about the Group Participation Assessments that we completed for our first project.  I have canceled the assessment for this project because most students worked so well together during the first project, I saw no need to repeat the process.  I generally have students complete a Group Participation Assessment during the first project, and for each subsequent project when things are a bit rocky in their groups.  However, during the first project, there was an overwhelming response to stay in the same group, and an abundance of students reporting that they were working really well together, that I saw no need to give you additional work. 

I mentioned there was no individual part to this essay, and no assessment in THIS post.  Please review it. 

For those of you that submitted Group Participation Assessments, I really appreciate it!  It gives me a little glimpse into the inner-workings of your group.   If you have not, please do not complete one.  That only makes more work for you. 

Look out for a post a bit later today with what's due for this week.

The Blogging Prof.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Grades Posted

Hello Folks,

Grades have been updated.  Please look over your grade for the last few weeks of discussion and email me if there are any issues.

Have a fabulous night!
The Blogging Prof.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

More final exam notes

Folks have been asking for a study sheet for the final exam.  I do not provide a study sheet, however, the exam is open book/open notes.  So be sure to bring your books and/or notes with you to the final exam on the 16th.

You will NOT need a scantron sheet - just a pen/pencil, notes and your course books.

I hope this helps to clarify some questions.

The Blogging Prof.