Friday, December 17, 2010

Final Blog Post

Hello Class!

This will be my final post to this blog. I hope that you have learned a bit over the course of the semester. My students never cease to amaze me. I think I learn just as much from my students, if not more, than my students learn from me. In short, I have had a great time with you this semester, and wish each of you a relaxing and happy winter break.

After I returned home last night, I updated all of the grades on D2L.  Everything completed during the semester should be reflected in D2L, so take a look at it to see your final points total for the class  There is a column at the end of your grades that should total up all of your earned points.  Take a look at it then find your total on the following scale to see your grade in the class:

A 950-1000
A- 900-949
B+ 870-899
B 840-869
B- 800-839
C+ 770-799
C 740-769
C- 700-739
D+ 670-699
D 640-669
D- 600-639
F 600 and below

I will post grades at some point tomorrow, but I don't think they will be released for a day or two. The mysjsu system will release grades at its own pace.

I will check the class email address until Sunday. After Sunday, if you need to contact me, please do so at my SJSU email account, which can be found on my faculty webpage. I will no longer check the class email address after Sunday, please make note of this!

Again, I have had a great time with you all this semester, and hope that you have a wonderful winter!

Signing off for the last time.....

The Blogging Prof

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