Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Critical Thinking in News and Politics - Groups Assigned

Hello Comm 41 - all sections!

By now you should have received an email (yesterday) stating who you would be working with for the first group assignment.  Please get in contact by the end of the week and decide on a meeting place/time, etc...  Elect 1 person from your group to email me and let me know when/where/how you will be meeting.  Remember, you must meet in real time for the first meeting. It is preferred that you meet in person, however, since this is an online class, I understand that folks are busy!

As a reminder, the groups that earn the highest grades on the group assignments in this class, are the groups that have great communication with one another.

Email me if you have any questions about the assignment.

Have a great night!
The Blogging Prof.

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