Friday, September 10, 2010

A note about posts and comments

I have emailed each student with a brief report about the first week of discussion.  Here are some reminders:

*Posts should be 150 words minimum.  There is no maximum.

*Comments should be at least 100 words minimum.  There is no maximum.

*Comments should be made within your section only.  Comments made on another section other than the one you are enrolled will not count for credit.

*Post dates/times are stamped onto your post when you start the post, not when you hit 'publish'.  So if you want to get ahead, you can type them out ahead of time in a word document and then transfer them when your 12 hour limit is up. Blogger is a bit funny, in that the time stamps are when you start the post, not when you finish the post.  Go figure.....

*Comments - make sure that you are staying on topic when you make comments.  That means that you should comment on the course material, not on some obscure subject in the post.  An example would be of a vague sentence.  Perhaps a student posts to their blog about a vague sentence and uses 'fashion' as their 'real world' example.  You should comment about the vague sentence, NOT about fashion.  Does this make sense?  In other words, stick with the course content in your comments, and not so much about sports, fashion, SJSU, cars, etc.... 

*Keep a log of all of your posts and comments in case there is ever a discrepancy in grading.   I have mentioned this a number of times now, and it will come in very handy if you ever have any questions about your grade.  I can only grade what I see, and if I don't see a comment or post, I can't grade it.

With these reminders in mind, the first discussion week went rather smoothly.  Keep it up folks, you're doing a great job!!!!

Have a wonderful night!
The Blogging Prof.

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