Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is an editorial?

Hello Folks!

I hope you are all diligently working on your first projects, as they are due next Saturday, September 25th by 11:59pm. As you know, this first project is a group project. It is required that you work with a group for this project! (See the assignment sheet for more information).

I have been getting a few questions here and there and wanted to clarify something. Here is the definition of an editorial in case there is any ambiguity:

An editorial, also called a leading article, is a piece of writing intended to promote an opinion or perspective. Editorials are featured in many newspapers and magazines, usually written by the senior editorial staff or publisher of the publication. Additionally, most print publications feature an editorial, or letter followed by a Letters to the Editor section.

I hope this helps, and I can't wait to see what your group puts together.

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